Okay...let me explain about my new blog...."the Crayon Profiler"....I was talking with a friend, discussing a new look for my blog and this is what I came up with....I was telling her a story of when I was a little girl and my favorite thing on earth was crayons....I loved every color, and being a lover of crayons, I loved the color RED....but it was such a dominate color and all the kids wanted to use it because they wanted to stand out....and so I felt sorry for the color PINK....it wasn't used as much ....so I chose to use the color PINK (the underdog color of crayons)....and what do I do today, I try to help the underdog's (those less fortunate than I am....I am not calling them dogs)....so I was telling my friend KIM, I bet I can tell a lot about a person by the color of crayons they used as a kid...thus "The Crayon Profiler"....the only thing I can't figure out yet is why I like black....I think it represents my strange sense of humor that is a little weird, according to some people

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Last week for sign up giveaway

Just a reminder that you have until the 12th of October to sign up for my big Crayon Profiler Caper give away, you will probably have to scroll down really far to see what it is....I am too lazy to cut and paste today, but just go ahead and scroll down, go ahead, just do it, it's okay, just scroll on down and look at the big giveaway valued at $50....once I have drawn the name, I will video tape it and somehow figure out how to put the video on here and let you know who the big winner is....I will then give you instructions on how to go to the web-site and order it....I am working out the details with the owner....she is working on giving me a receipt number....so you can look on her site, figure out what it is that you want, either order it online and have it shipped directly to you, or just go to Canton like I did and pick it up....or just give her a call, she is a very sweet lady....you will love doing business with her....they have so much and not just the saying that I bought....you can have your own saying, scripture or whatever it is that suits your fancy....she also has plaques, and various different ways that you can use her product by adding it to the front of photo albums for extra glamour and drama effect, use it on glass wear, picture frames, you can use it in so many different ways....but you can't win if you don't sign up....so go on ahead and sign up....I would love to have a lot of names in the pot to draw from....and when I am video taping the drawing, for October effects I might even wear my new ebay win for you, the blonde ugly wig that I wasted money on....that should make you want to sign up right now....I didn't mention either, I had bought it for Vivo Jo's room, but it is not a site just for little girls, it is for boys, women, men, families, gifts, anniversary, weddings, and just about anything you want to use it for you can.....so go on SCROLL down and look for yourself....Use your imagination on what you can do with it....makes great gifts and makes people really happy.....Kim cried!!!! Now that is the kind of reaction that you want after it is put up....before I put it up though, she was bossing me around trying to tell me exactly how to put it up....but afterwards, I got what I wanted....her crying....now that is good stuff!!!!


Karen Roper said...

Did you know that you can move an old post up to the top of your blog...and keep it there as a "sticky post"? Just go into the edit post function and then change the date of the post to today or even several months in the future if you want it to "stick" to the top of your blog.

Karen Roper said...

I'm not sure where I'm supposed to sign up for this giveaway but add my name to the list for the drawing. Or let me know where to go to sign up.