Okay...let me explain about my new blog...."the Crayon Profiler"....I was talking with a friend, discussing a new look for my blog and this is what I came up with....I was telling her a story of when I was a little girl and my favorite thing on earth was crayons....I loved every color, and being a lover of crayons, I loved the color RED....but it was such a dominate color and all the kids wanted to use it because they wanted to stand out....and so I felt sorry for the color PINK....it wasn't used as much ....so I chose to use the color PINK (the underdog color of crayons)....and what do I do today, I try to help the underdog's (those less fortunate than I am....I am not calling them dogs)....so I was telling my friend KIM, I bet I can tell a lot about a person by the color of crayons they used as a kid...thus "The Crayon Profiler"....the only thing I can't figure out yet is why I like black....I think it represents my strange sense of humor that is a little weird, according to some people

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First ebay Win!!!

I was playing around with ebay trying to win a pair of Steve Madden Slouch Boots and was looking around at their Halloween costumes for my little grand baby, just looking to get ideas, not intending to get anything...until I came across this one thing that struck my attention...a friend of mine said not long ago that sometimes, I just act blonde...so I was thinking about pulling a prank on her...I saw this and I thought, hey I am going to bid on this...I did and then I was thinking how stupid and what a waste of money...I can't win this, I don't even want it and I couldn't take my bid back because I had already taken it back twice in the same day because I got scared that I was going to pay too much, and then ebay would block me from bidding again...so I was trapped...I was just praying that someone would outbid me...days went by and I got a notice...Congratulations, you won the bid!!! Darn, now I have to pay a whole $15.84 including shipping and handling for something that was a complete waste of my money...the seller was good and sent it right away thinking that I would be so proud of my bid...I gave her a great rating none the less....here are the pictures to show you what I won...I hope you enjoy it!!!! The blonde wig goes down past my knees and is tangly...great buy, don't you think...next time, I will think twice before bidding on something.

I did however finally win a pair of Steve Madden Slouch Boots and cannot wait to get them in, but I don't think it will be before we leave for Italy in the morning...that is right...I will be gone for 12 days, I am taking my laptop in case I have Internet connections so that I can stay in touch with everyone...I will blog about what we do everyday so that you can see, hopefully...in the meantime, please keep signing up for my big giveaway...I am so excited to be giving it away...I hope you stop by and comment me...so you can be signed up...I will post a video on how we do the drawing and you can actually see who wins. In the meantime, Arrivederci, delle donne.


CJ, The Purple Diva said...

I'm so digging you in that wig! I'm thinking this is your halloween costume! TOO FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Love the wig. That is just too funny.

Have a safe trip!!

Nonnas News said...

I think you should wear that everyday! LOL LOL

Carole Burant said...

I can lend you my new flat iron if you want! LOL Oh Tammy, that is too funny. Now you know what it feels like to have long hair! hehe I've had that happen to me too where I've put a bid in on ebay and then hoped I'd get overbid but no such luck.

Have a great trip and take tons of pictures!!! xoxo

Jill and Rick said...

Girl, you can make me laugh!! Actually I'm reading your blog post out loud to Rick and laughing out loud the whole time ~ too funny!


Kim said...

LOL....LOL....LOL....I am laughing so hard at those pictures...you NEVER cease to amaze me....the look on your face...LOL...I don't know if I have ever sat at the computer and laughed so hard.

Can I please borrow the wig....pretty please with sugar on top? I want to see if blondes really do have more fun.

Love you....I will miss your crazy antics. Be careful be safe and I hope you miss me ALOT!


Waitingfaithfully said...

Love the hair. Love the story more . . . and the pictures of course!

Have a great trip!



Tammy Pearson said...

Along with my cousin and Kim Lester, they suggested that I go as Eve in this costume, get a nude body suit and find some huge fig leaves...that would be a riot, however I won't be the one wearing it...:) but if someone wants to borrow the wig for that reason, I will glady sell it to you for $15.84.

Sharon said...

Love reading your blog. It is so funny it made for a good morning laugh.
Have a safe trip.