Okay...let me explain about my new blog...."the Crayon Profiler"....I was talking with a friend, discussing a new look for my blog and this is what I came up with....I was telling her a story of when I was a little girl and my favorite thing on earth was crayons....I loved every color, and being a lover of crayons, I loved the color RED....but it was such a dominate color and all the kids wanted to use it because they wanted to stand out....and so I felt sorry for the color PINK....it wasn't used as much ....so I chose to use the color PINK (the underdog color of crayons)....and what do I do today, I try to help the underdog's (those less fortunate than I am....I am not calling them dogs)....so I was telling my friend KIM, I bet I can tell a lot about a person by the color of crayons they used as a kid...thus "The Crayon Profiler"....the only thing I can't figure out yet is why I like black....I think it represents my strange sense of humor that is a little weird, according to some people

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The Morning Hair After

Well, this is the morning after and no matter how great it looked yesterday, there is no denying it needs a lot of work this morning. I was told that I would just be able to get up and go without doing a thing to it. I have holes in my head from sleeping. I couldn't stand a front view of my new haircut. It was too hideous.
Look at this hole in the left side of my head.

And now I just look like I am ready to take flight or something. I look like I have some sort of wing sticking in the back of my head. Wow, just as you really like a haircut, there is always the next morning. I have got a lot of work ahead of me to do today. Wish me luck.


SmilingSally said...

I have a theory. Hair has a brain, and it's going to do whatever it wants, no matter how we try to change it! That's the only reason I can come up with for my years and years of wrestling with my hair styles.

PS I think when yours is hand combed in back a bit, it's cute!

Linda said...

Oh my goodness you had me laughing out loud with this...thank you! You're brave to take a morning after picture. I just walked past a mirror and I cringed. Thank goodness I don't work today so I'll have some time to practice and see what the damage is really like! Wish me luck also!

Nonnas News said...

Oh I bet once you ran your fingers thru it and poofed it a little here and there it looks cute as a button!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel...I too have morning hair. My hair is natural curly, it looks awful in the morning. It doesn't take much to get it looking half way okay though. I'm sure with a little practice you will have the styling part of it down in no time.

I really like the cut though!

Jill and Rick said...

& now you really have me laughing!! Who else would have thought to take those "morning after" pictures?


Nonnas News said...

You can relax Tammy! I didnt enter the blueberry giveaway because I am such a nice person and thought I shouldnt since I won the last one,therefore giving you more chance to win! In fact, I have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you! LOL You crack me up! I'm worried that if you dont win, I might need to spend some time with you to console you!!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

This was TOO funny! Wing in the back! I hope it turned out okay!
I am getting my hair done today! I am SURE I will have 'wing' hair tomorrow! But I will NOT be taking pictures of it! :-)

Carole Burant said...

Omigosh, I love your new haircut and style...it does indeed make you look so much younger and suits you wonderfully! Ah yes, the morning after having it cut and styled...I could NEVER get it to look the same way the hairdresser did! lol Think we need our own private hairdresser to come by every morning to get us looking good:-) xoxo