Okay...let me explain about my new blog...."the Crayon Profiler"....I was talking with a friend, discussing a new look for my blog and this is what I came up with....I was telling her a story of when I was a little girl and my favorite thing on earth was crayons....I loved every color, and being a lover of crayons, I loved the color RED....but it was such a dominate color and all the kids wanted to use it because they wanted to stand out....and so I felt sorry for the color PINK....it wasn't used as much ....so I chose to use the color PINK (the underdog color of crayons)....and what do I do today, I try to help the underdog's (those less fortunate than I am....I am not calling them dogs)....so I was telling my friend KIM, I bet I can tell a lot about a person by the color of crayons they used as a kid...thus "The Crayon Profiler"....the only thing I can't figure out yet is why I like black....I think it represents my strange sense of humor that is a little weird, according to some people

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Before I Kick The Bucket List

Okay, several people have been making bucket lists and I thought I would before I ran out of time. If I had to make a bucket list, which I don't, I just want to, I would add a few things like this:
  1. Make a difference in someones life
  2. Change someones life
  3. See that my children marry good Christian spouse's
  4. See my grandchildren come to know the Lord
  5. Finish Chrysalis House
  6. To know the depth of God's love for me
  7. Recognize my full potential

Now the fun bucket list:

  1. Go skydiving
  2. Run on the beach in a string bikini and have the body to do it (something about pure freedom) or go skinny dipping with my husband in a private area (term; skinny).
  3. Learn how to water ski (I have lived on the lake my whole life and never learned to ski, not for a lack of trying)
  4. Go to Israel and stay until I see everything
  5. Stay longer in Europe
  6. Visit every memorial history site there is in the world (I love history)
  7. Renovate my whole house (I have lived in my house for over 20 years)
  8. Better yet, have Extreme Makeover do it for me
  9. See all the wonders of the world
  10. Go bungee jumping off a bridge
  11. Learn how to fly a piper cub plane
  12. Go up in a big air balloon
  13. Win the stew contest in the country Fair's
  14. Meet Paula Deen and learn how to cook better
  15. Take some chef classes
  16. Be a nutrition expert so I will know how to feed my family better as well as myself
  17. Stop watching TV
  18. Buy all new dinnerware
  19. Throw a huge party with every friend that I have, and every acquaintance so I can get to know them better
  20. Last but not least, after I kick the bucket, I would want my funeral to be a celebration of the way that I lived my life. With everyone knowing that I love the Lord first and foremost, love my husband and my family. I would want those there to talk about all the practical jokes I pulled on them and talk about how I made them laugh, not be sad, but inspiring to others. Be remembered as someone that was only one person, that I couldn't do everything, but that I didn't refuse to do the something that I could do (Helen Keller).

I am sure there would be more to put on my bucket list, but I can't think of anything else. I am sure that as I read most of your lists, I would probably add to mine. It kind of makes you think of how you want to live your life....to its fullest.


Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Tammy,

Oh, you have a fun bucket list. I would do a lot of traveling, like go see the redwoods, the pacific, the beautiful national parks. And see more of Europe. Bungee jumping is just a bit too daring for this old gal. lol. Going jet skiing and 4-wheeling with my sons is daring enough for me.

Have you blogged about your trip to Hungary and Austria? I would love to read that. My favorite city in the whole world is Salzburg, Austria!

Your blog is very uplifting and fun. Love your new hairdo, below.
Thanks so much for visiting me. Hope you visit again. And I will be back to read more here.

Have a wonderful day!


Nonnas News said...

I like your lists Tammy! You have already touched many people and made a difference!! I loved seeing you yesterday,(except for that dude that interupted us! LOL) Your hair is SO cute!! When are you,Kim and I gonna do lunch???!!!! I should have put that on my bucket list!!
Have a good weekend!!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

I love your list! I must say you are WAY more adventurous than I am or every DREAMED of being! I wish I could let go do do some of the things! Although, I will say I did TRY to water ski myself...that was an experience I'll NEVER forget!
I love PAULA DEEN! One of my best friends has met her and gotten her to sign cookbooks for me! Too fun, huh?
And last but not least, I love the Lord with all my heart as well, and husband and family next.
Thanks so stopping by my blog page, and I LOVE your comment about Fred! TOO FUNNY! I hope you win! :-) Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

I like your list. Both of them.

Have a great weekend.

How is the hair style doing?

Carole Burant said...

I just watched The Bucket List last weekend and loved it. It truly does make you think of what your list would be like...glad to see you wrote yours down:-) I need to sit down and do mine. I know one of them would be "visit all my blogging friends"!!! xoxo

Nonnas News said...

Ok girlie, its time for some posting!!