Okay...let me explain about my new blog...."the Crayon Profiler"....I was talking with a friend, discussing a new look for my blog and this is what I came up with....I was telling her a story of when I was a little girl and my favorite thing on earth was crayons....I loved every color, and being a lover of crayons, I loved the color RED....but it was such a dominate color and all the kids wanted to use it because they wanted to stand out....and so I felt sorry for the color PINK....it wasn't used as much ....so I chose to use the color PINK (the underdog color of crayons)....and what do I do today, I try to help the underdog's (those less fortunate than I am....I am not calling them dogs)....so I was telling my friend KIM, I bet I can tell a lot about a person by the color of crayons they used as a kid...thus "The Crayon Profiler"....the only thing I can't figure out yet is why I like black....I think it represents my strange sense of humor that is a little weird, according to some people

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50th Wedding Anniversary

My mother's best friend Wally and her husband had their 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend. My mother was away working and so I filled in for her until she could get back to help with the party. We decorated, made invitations, and cleaned and I tell you what, this woman can run circles around me. It is totally embarrassing, to be almost 30 years younger and they can out do, out work, and out run you.
The day finally came with all the preparation and hundreds of people came through wishing them well. I have known Wally and Bryan my whole life, she is from Germany and he is from New York, and it is amazing they have lasted 50 years together. Talk about opposites, but then again, opposites attract. Same with my husband and myself.
The party was well attended and there was so much food, fruit, cake, champagne, punch and cold drinks. It was a great party. My job was to take pictures of everyone that came through and make sure that they signed into the guest book. I will not bother with uploading all the pictures, you wouldn't know who most of them were, I sure didn't. I was putting the wrong couples together while taking pictures. There were a few couples that didn't appreciate me taking their pictures, and some that were upset that I did anyway. That is what you have to go through when you greet people. I did however get to take all of the gifts and stand in a corner without having to move, my kind of job.

K.C. and Christopher (Bryan and Wally's kids). I am not sure where the red hair came in though. He is accused of looking like Waldo the dog more than his parents. Not really, he really looks like his dad, I am still not sure where the red hair came in though.

Wally with my youngest son Zachary.

KC and Chris showing their love for one another.


Nonnas News said...

Nice reception!! Its nice to see people still be married for 50 years!!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

How nice this all looks! What a fun thing to attend!

Kim said...

You worked so hard and man does it look fantastic! Glad the day was a huge success for the golden couple!

Love you,

Carole Burant said...

Congratulations to the anniversary couple! Wow, 50 years is quite an achievement in this day and age!! Sounds like it was a wonderful celebration and I so enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Loved the cake and decorations. xoxo

Karen Roper said...

Thanks Tammy for stopping by my blog via Nonna. I really enjoyed seeing yours....I love all your pics!